Friday, February 2, 2007

Month 2, Day 2: Still Collecting

20 Stone 11 lbs. 114 collected, 0 processed, 0 projects, 0 complete

Yesterday I felt hungrier than I have since starting the diet. While I didn't snack a great deal, I did eat 2 slices of ham and a yogurt in addition to my normal tea.

I'm shocked at how many things I have that I know I have to do. 114 and counting. The list is tending towards shopping I need to do now, but still, I wouldn't be surprised to come up with another 50 or so today. Yesterday I was relaxed, happy and energetic, but not at my most productive (which seemed to me to be more related to the sort of work I was doing than my particular mood). I'm sure GTD has the potential to up my productivity by letting me discover small challenges to face, and by making bigger ones more approachable. Still, thats all going to begin on Monday, I guess.

Over the weekend, I'll try to start emptying my in-box.

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