Monday, February 5, 2007

Month 2, Day 5: Actually doing something

Weight 20 stone 10.


GTD: I've actually begun doing some of the things on my todo list (actually, that's unfair... while I was processing my todo list I noticed some things I had already done as part of my regular weekly routine... more about routine later). But I've also managed to tackle a few tasks on my list.

Having the in-box around is turning out to be fantastic. I saw a sign today advertising mothers day specials (in a pub which I would never in a million years take my mother to). Straight away I thought "Oh yes, I have a mother. And there is a whole day for her in the future. In fact, on the 18th of March. I must remember that, and perhaps drop it into conversation around that date". Normally, I would then proceed to forget about it until the day before, then rush around getting a card, sending it a day after, and making phone calls saying "Wow, the postal service in Cambridge really is bad". Now it is in my todo list, ready to be processed. Who knows if my mum will actually receive a card and flowers... but she can be sure I thought about it almost a month in advance.

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