Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Day 10 - 2

I'm still feeling ill. There is a bug going around the office, so my illness certainly can't be attributed to the diet (although perhaps a less effective immune system can).

All morning, I have felt what I thought was hunger. At midday I was ready to rip the lid off my lunch box and devour the contents. One carrot stick and two bits of celery in I was convinced I wasn't hungry at all. Could it be that I'm still full from breakfast (a single cup of crunchy nut cornflakes)?

When I started writing this blog, I was expecting to record all the tips and tricks I discovered to make the diet bearable. Now I'm a third of the way through the trial phase, substantially lighter, and I still don't really have any. It doesn't really need tips or tricks, just obedience to the rules. I do have lots of observations, and, like many bloggers whose work I read before I began this experiment, I have a strong desire to write purple prose about how weird, emotional and life changing this diet feels. I seem to have drunk the kool-aid (well, the oil...)

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