Thursday, January 4, 2007

Day 4

Waist: 51.375

Another late start: today I was woken by my alarm clock at 7am. This has upset my finely tuned oil breakfast arrangement, so I'm trying something different today. I drank oil at 7, and am postponing breakfast 'till after I'm at work (I'll have an apple and grapes between 8 and 9)

This has so-far been effective. No hunger this morning at all. I plan to space my lunch out between 12:00 and 14:00 in order to see what happens

This is actually working quite well. No hunger yet (15:15), and I didn't stop enjoying my lunch (though I think I enjoyed it more at the beginning than the end)

Summary: I made several changes between yesterday and today

1) I had a large evening meal last night

2) I had oil first thing, followed by a later fruit breakfast

3) I ate my lunch over a longer period of time

4) I had no sugar water during the day.

To test this, I will change back one or two of the options tomorrow

By 6:15 I was getting hungry enough to want to snack while my evening meal was cooking. I ate my tea with gusto and found it very filling. I ate through the feeling of fullness, which was probably a bad idea.

Shortly after eating tea, I felt large pangs of hunger. They didn't last for too long, but they were certainly there. I'm beginning to come up with a theory:

Hunger is related to the set point. When I get strong flavour, the set point rises straight away. This means I am ready to eat shortly after a good meal. This hunger decreases over time, I guess as my system absorbs the food (note that I don't know what I'm talking about here.)

There is also a feeling of fullness which is physical, probably related to the rate at which I can digest things - this goes away fairly quickly.

Both of these feelings can probably be avoided by eating more slowly, or by eating smaller portions with a gap between them (less food means let set-point rise, so a shorter time for food-eaten to catch up and exceed it. I can then raise my set point by eating more food, this time without hunger as the food-eaten is already there)

As far as the options go: I rarely feel hungry first thing in the morning (I guess my set point drops over night). This means it is best to breakfast late on, and have oil early on [for some reason, oil doesn't seem to quench hunger as quickly as food]. It is also possible sugar water raised my set point, and was thus responsible for some of yesterday's hunger pangs. The slow lunch fits my theory well. The large meal doesn't really interact with this theory, other than helping me not to feel hungry first thing in the morning.

To see if it has an effect, sugar water looks like the most interesting thing to test.

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