Monday, January 8, 2007

Day 8

21 Stone 12.5 lb

I had oil at 6:15 and cereal at 7:15. The cereal was so filled me to such an extent that an hour later I was still feeling almost sick because I felt like I had eaten so much.

Likewise lunch was very filling: which for 4 Ryvitas, 3 carrots and a pepper is hugely surprising. I was expecting to be empty by tea time, but I was wrong. I was satisfied all afternoon, craving nothing except for cups of tea. By 6pm there was low level hunger, but nothing urgent. I decided to use up some chicken and made a stir-fry. I knew I was making a large meal, and decided not to put everything onto my plate: what happened amazed me, I was too full to continue before I finished the first plate full, let alone going back for seconds.

If this keeps up, I'm going to have to conclude not only that the shangri-la diet works, but also that it is going to change people's opinions about nutrition, and possibly change the world (or at least the obese western world)

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