Monday, January 22, 2007

Day 21

21 stone 2.5 lb

Yesterday evening didn't quite go as planned, and I wound up doing a 3 and a half hour round trip drive to rescue Herself, who was stuck away from home. As part of my rescue mission, I bought some sandwiches from a petrol station on the way. I ate one of these (which probably had more calories than I needed) before we left for home.

And then there is today...

I am in a foul mood. This is for reasons I hope are unrelated to the diet: specifically the lawyers managing the sale of my house have caused me a fairly major problem, and possibly set back the sale by a month in the process. I'm unhappy. It is the first time since I've been on the diet that I have had a major bout of unhappiness, and it is quite clear that while the diet might stop my general cravings, and might make me feel full earlier, it doesn't take away the urge to comfort eat. I'm controlling things the best I can, in the hope that things will seem brighter tomorrow.

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